STB Vermaak Doe wrote:Altina McAlterson wrote:STB Vermaak Doe wrote:
This is truer than on any other any other Tl;dr
It would seem satire is also OP for some of us.
Remember trolling is against forum rules, how has this not been locked yet? Oh CCP Nullarbor...
Fortunately for you refusing to read someone's post and then making a post to let everyone know
just how much you did not want to read that first post is perfectly fine. I think it is anyway. Might be against rule 13, but I'm probably guilty of that one myself. Although I did make this post nice and long too, all special just for you so you could not read and then tell about that time you didn't read my post. I'll not even pretend like you're being anything other than annoying and then I'll make another long post for you to not read. It'll be just like old times. And also like right now. Feels like I'm posting in to an endless loop. Woah, headtrip.
As far as why it hasn't been locked yet I can't say. Since you couldn't take any more time out of your precious day to read it, neither can you. 26 likes and a full page of support indicates to me that you probably missed out. This thread is trolling the same way spray painting over some racist crap on a city wall is vandalism. But please, continue to peruse this forum's fine selection of nerf threads, complaining and whining, and threads about how much this game sucks and so and so is leaving forever.
I'll catch you on that one thread, the one with all the constructive ideas that didn't turn in to 2 pages of pointless argument, bickering and trolling. The one that was trying to actually make the game better and not just complain about how much everything is crap and CCP are idiots? You know the one I'm talking about. Wait, probably didn't read that one either.
***To the Dev that has to lock this:*** No hard feelings, mate. I know you gotta do it, hopefully you'll get a laugh. I can't imagine moderating these forums has been much fun. Just know that some of us do care. Do yourself a favor and spend some time looking at the Diablo 3 forums. You'll see something very similar to what is going on here and you can watch the aftermath. It never ends guys. People are going to whine and complain no matter what you do. If you nerf one thing something else is going to kill them a couple times and become the new target for the nerf bat.
That's the problem with doing a beta like this. Some of these people constantly asking for nerfs and complaining endlessly are actively trying to ruin this game and all your hard work for absolutely no reason at all. Just make the game, listen to the players as much as you can but just make the game.